Tuesday, January 5, 2021

This is serious

I have something important to talk about. It's been eating at me since something happened recently.

I'm turning 16 in about a month, so I'm growing up. I look a lot different than I used to. I'm getting pimples and the dreaded body hair. I also look a bit prettier than I used to. What bothers me is the way guys react to it. Like, just because I'm posting a photo of myself that makes me feel good, doesn't give you the right to ask for nudes or call me sexy when you don't even know me!

When I started getting followed by some guys on Instagram I didn't know, I was a bit weirded out, but I also kind of liked the attention. I was like "wow, people find me attractive!". Then some of these guys DM'd me and I have to be honest; I got a little excited! They clearly thought I looked pretty or something, and that made me feel nice. One of them seemed really nice. he said he was from Germany, and he said he thought I was pretty. Don't worry, I wasn't planning on meeting up with him or anything! Then he ruined the whole thing. He said,

"I'm horny. Let's make a sex chat!" I politely declined and blocked him. Then another dude sent me a picture of 2 people doing... naughty stuff. I don't need to elaborate. So I blocked him as well. Then yesterday some guy messaged me and said hi, then he basically said,

"I'm just going to get straight to the point. You're really pretty". I said thank you. Then he asked me for a picture of me in a bra, which I declined because I don't freaking know him! I'll only ever send pictures like that to someone I love and trust, and maybe not even those people. I don't want those going around!

i-and other girls, I think-have this mentality.

"Oh, I'm growing up! I should expect this!" and that's really sad. When I got those messages, I wasn't excited and happy! Frankly, I was creeped out! But I wasn't surprised. I just felt acceptance, like

"Well, I knew this was coming". That's horrible! What do guys think they're going to accomplish with those messages? Do they think that just by outright asking for naughty pictures or calling us sexy, they're going to get the pictures they want? Yes, they do. And the problem is, a lot of the time, it works. Desperate or lonely girls get a message from a guy, and they click send without thinking. Next thing you know, the pictures have been sent to your friends, his friends, and complete strangers! Just because he seems nice doesn't mean you should trust him! He could be 40 for all you know!

We girls feel obliged to send these things! It's not good! We are our own people, and we have every right to say no and fight back. I'm not saying that if you have a boyfriend (or girlfriend) of 3 years that you love and trust that you should never send them photos of yourself. It's okay to trust, but we shouldn't throw that trust around willy-nilly to people we don't know. This goes for guys as well. If a guy gets a message from a girl or guy that's creepy, block them! We have every right to say NO.

This part is just for the dudes: don't send messages to girls you don't know calling them sexy, or asking for bra pictures! If you get them after you've asked, or if you just randomly get them, delete them. And tell the girls how you feel, but don't be weird and creepy. You can say they look pretty, but don't call them sexy and say you'd like to take them to bed. What they send you is their business, so delete the pictures, because it is their body, and it shouldn't be violated.

We girls (and guys) have a right to stand up for ourselves. Don't have super high expectations, because not every boy is going to be the perfect prince. But don't have low expectations either. You should expect to be treated right, and be spoken to kindly. Be yourself, and you will find the right person, even if it happens when you're 15 or 32.

I'm sorry, this turned into something completely different from what I intended. Basically what I'm trying to say are girls and boys! You don't have to say yes to everything someone asks, whether it's on Snapchat, Instagram, or in person. And it is 100% NOT your fault if they force themselves on you. It is their fault if they can't realize that no means no.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that, and if you guys ever need to talk about stuff, you can email me or DM me on Instagram, or even comment on here. Just please don't be weird about it! 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

just some random life issues๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ญ

So I've been super stressed lately with school (high school SUCKS, especially online), and I just couldn't take it. I just started crying today. It's been so hard, having to learn from home, not being able to see friends, and being cooped up in the house with my family 24/7. Like, they're great and all, but I miss my friends and being able to hang out with people whenever. so like if ya'll ever need to talk or anything, just DM or email me, or just put it in the comments. Because I get it you guys, quarantine sucks, and I honestly wouldn't mind talking to someone as well. Hang in there guys, and stay safe!

Instagram: b.stainer2005

Email: bethjstainer@gmail.com

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Top 5 Favourite Animals (and why)


I picked dogs because dogs are just the most adorable animals, and they are so loyal. They are definitely mans best friend.

Fox (Fennec or Red)

I picked fox for my second because they are really cool animals, and they are super pretty. They are also really cute as babies.


Cheetahs are super interesting animals, mainly because of how fast they can run. They can go up to 60 MPH, which is really fast! They are also really pretty and cool.

Dolphin or Boto

You may not have heard of Botos, but they are basically just dolphins, only they have slightly longer noses, and they can also be BRIGHT PINK!! I also like dolphins because they are extremely smart.


Now, I love horses, although I'm not the hugest fan of riding them, mainly because I fell off one when I was younger. I still like them. I can ride them if they're calm, but I love petting, brushing and feeding them, and they can be really smart.

Books I Love

The Harry Potter Series (best books EVER!!)
The Hunger Games Series (a bit gory but awesome)
The Inheritance Series (basically a whole series about dragons)
The Frostblood Series (super magical and a little bit of romancing)
The Good Master (I didn't know until recently it is a several-book series)
The Riley Mae Series (a little bit kiddish, but it's really good anyway)
The Twilight Series (also a bit gory, although the movie is worse but really good)
The Scorpio Races (about water horses and their speed and races. also a little romance)
That's basically it. I have a lot more books that I love, but I can't name them all now, so if you want to hear them, just post it in the comments and I'll try giving you the names and a review.

Only When It Rains by Frank Walker and Astrid S.

"It's Only When it Rains That We Grow"

I like and agree with this lyric a little bit. It's basically saying that only during the dark and bad times do we learn and grow and get better, and that's sort of true. We can learn from our mistakes and make things better. But we also grow and learn from the good days as well. We learn to be happy and love ourselves, while on the bad days we learn that not everything is fantastic, and that not everyone is always happy, but that if we truly try, we can get through those days, and come out even better and happier then before.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


"I am what I am, an' I'm not ashamed. 'Never be ashamed,' my ol' dad used ter say, 'there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with.'"

Rubeus Hagrid
Just be yourself, people!! Like he said, you can't truly ever change 
who you are, so accept that and love yourself.

Lonely ๐ŸŽ„

Frost crystallizes on the trees and leaves

Snow drifts from the dark sky to the ground

The house smells of peppermint and chocolate

Christmas is near

And yet it still feels lonely

We are all planning, baking

And buying presents

Singing Christmas carols and songs

Putting up the tree and lights

Christmas is near

And yet it doesn’t feel as festive as it should

We talk to family

But only on calls and facetime

We see our friends

But only from afar

It feels like Christmas

But a disappointing Christmas

No sitting in front of the fire with friends

After sledding outside for hours

With a cup of hot chocolate

No going to the mall with friends

To pick out clothes for the holidays

Its Christmas

But not the same

But we can stay positive by remembering

That home is where the heart is

And that at least we have our parents and siblings

So we can buy each other presents

And facetime, and call, and text

And eventually, we will be able to see each other in person

Once more

This is serious

I have something important to talk about. It's been eating at me since something happened recently. I'm turning 16 in about a month,...